Jenny Downham:


before I die


Reading and working with a book at school - what you need
Reading and working with a book at schoo
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 213.6 KB
Literary Analysis
Literary Analysis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 121.4 KB
Vocabulary for text analysis
Vocabulary for text analysis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 256.6 KB





Please write down:


1) T´s list of 10 things + chapter


2) key information about her illness


3) a list of the characters


4) your favourite scene


5) the quotes we used




EXTRA SHEET OF PAPER: 2 (open) questions 




Abkürzungen = Z, T, mum, dad, A, C




CH = chapter






-        Stages of Loss and Grief


-        Explicit / implicit


-        Freytag´s pyramid






-        Book 😊


-        Dictionary


-        Papier